Plant Trees in UK Woodlands and Cities by Donation
with Conservation Organisations
(Prices shown are guidelines only and tree sizes may vary- check provider websites)
The National Trust Plant a Tree Fund
The National Trust cares for 61,776 acres of woodland over 135 wildlife sites and 200 gardens with a total tree count of 12 million.
They have made a commitment to increase this woodland by 17% by 2030 in planting 20 million trees. 1 million saplings have been planted so far from donations.
Their suggested minimum donation amount is £5 as this is what it costs to plant one new tree (sapling).
Trees for Cities
Trees for Cities are the only UK charity working at a national scale to improve lives by planting trees in cities as well as in school through their Trees for Schools programes. They have planted over 1.765 million urban trees since 1993 with over 140,000 volunteers.
Donate regularly or give a one off gift. Just £6 will plant one tree (sapling).
Oblong Trees
Oblong trees work with a growing number of UK land owners, who have offered up their land for tree planting. .Over the winter of 2022/23 Oblong planted over 10,000 trees across 18 sites in the UK, mostly on non production land, with 14 different native tree species.
UK Trees (saplings) cost £4.50 each to plant with a minimum order of 2 trees.
Future Forest Company
The mission of the Future Forest Company is to plant enough trees to remove 1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by 2030.
They currently plant native, broadleaf trees on 11 UK sites to create thriving habitats for wildlife. They never plant monocultures.
Monthly Tree Subscriptions start at £5 to plant a tree/month (sapling)
National Trust of Scotland
National Trust Scotland cares for over 76000 hectares of natural habitat across Scotland including 8 National Nature Reserves with 4 types of woodland
* Caledonia Pinewood
* Birch and Oak Woodland
* Montane Scrub (consisting of Willow. Juniper and Dwarf Birch
* Lowland Woodland of large broadleaf trees.
A donation of £7.50 will help to pay for the planting of one tree (sapling)
Manchester City of Trees
City of Trees aims to re-invigorate Greater Manchester’s landscape by planting 3 million trees and bringing 2,000 hectares of unmanaged woodland back into use for the community.
537,000 trees have been planted so far with 268 hectares of woodland under management.
A donation of £10 will support the planting of a tree
White Rose Forest
The White Rose Forest is the community forest for North and West Yorkshire,
Through partnershipS they are planting millions of trees in urban centres and countryside which will benefit local people, the economy wildlife and the planet
A £10 donation we will plant at least one tree in Yorkshire at an approved White Rose Forest site.
The Tree Council
The Tree Council has been one of the UK's leading tree conservation charities since 1973. The Charity Funds and supports community tree, hedgerow and orchard planting, with their Branching Out scheme providing grants up to £2,500
£15 plants 1 young tree and cares for it afterwards.
Forest of Marston Vale
The Forest of Marston Vale is a community between Bedford and Milton Keynes. operated by the Forest of Marston Vale Trust.
The total area covered is 61 square miles (158 km2), but most is in private ownership. There are incentives for landowners to plant trees, and the target for community forests is to reach 30% tree cover. from the original 3% cover...planting 5 million trees. 2 million trees have been planted so far
A donation of £20 will plant one tree
Avon Needs Trees
Avon Needs Trees is a charity based in Bristol buying land in the Bristol-Avon Catchment Area for reforesting.
Since formation in 2019, they purchased 2 sites of 47 acres in Wiltshire, planting and caring for 22,000 native trees and in 2023 they started planting Great Avon Wood; a with the Forest of Avon Trust. across 100 acres of land and 40,000 trees to plant and care for.
One off or regular donations are welcome. £25 could cover the cost of planting a tree and caring for it forever.
The Orchard Project
The Orchard Project is the only national charity dedicated to the creation, restoration and celebration of community orchards.
Their aim is that every household in the UK’s town and cities be within walking distance of a productive, well-cared-for, community-run orchard.
A donation of £25 will help plant a fruit tree.
Woodland Trust
The Woodland Trust is the UK's largest woodland conservation charity, concerned with the creation, protection, and restoration of native woodland.
The Woodland Trust maintains ownership of over 1,000 sites covering over 24,700 hectares (247 km2). 33% is ancient woodland. Over £40 million was spent from June 2021 to May 22 on new woodland creation and tree planting
The Borders Forest Trust
Borders Forest Trust helps restore native woodland to Southern Scotland. They own 6 woodland properties in the region.
Before Borders Forest Trust was established only 0.26% (1200ha) of the land in the Scottish Borders was covered in native (ancient and semi-natural) woodland. So far, they have planted near 2 million native trees in the south of Scotland to help improve the very low tree coverage.
Heart of England Forest
The forest stretches from the ancient Forest of Arden, south to the edge of the Vale of Evesham, mostly in South Warwickshire.
The Heart of England Forest was the vision of publisher, Felix Dennis, and is now operated by The Heart of England Forest Charity,
So far, they have planted more than 2 million trees across the The vision is for that to become 30,000 acres.
Stump Up For Trees
Stump Up For Trees is a community-based charity funderd by grants and donations focused on woodland creation in the Brecon Beacons area of south-east Wales
The charity plans to plant one million trees,and started at Bryn Arw Common in early 2021 and has so far planted 231,000 mixed native hardwoods. .One of the largest tree planting projects in Wales.