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Tree Planting Volunteer Opportunities
on UK Reforestation Projects

(Subject to Availability)

The Northern Forest (North England)

The Northern Forest project aims to plant 50 million trees in and around the cities of Liverpool, Chester, Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield, Hull and Scunthorpe, stretching the width of the north of England. It will incorporate existing forest projects including The Mersey Forest, Manchester City of Trees, White Rose Forest, HEYwoods and Scunthorpe Forest..


By planting trees across the north, where tree cover is only 7%, the Northern Forest can:

  • reduce the risk of flooding

  • store thousands of tonnes of carbon

  • make people across the north happier and healthier

  • create thousands of new jobs

Great Northumberland 

Forest & Kielder Forest

The Great Northumberland Forest is a proposed new forest, announced in September 2019. Up to a million mixed trees will be planted between 2020 and 2024 across 500 acres of land.  


A new organisation, the Northumberland Forestry Partnership, will be established to assist local residents, landowners and environmental groups to plan for the new forest..


Initially Forestry England has already planted 200,000 trees at Rushy Knowe, a new 145 hectare woodland expansion of Kielder Forest on the shore of Kielder Water, and has announced the purchase of 100 hectares of land at Monkridge, West Woodburn.



The Mersey Forest (Cheshire & Merseyside)

The Mersey Forest is a growing network of woodlands and green spaces across more than 500 square miles of Cheshire and Merseyside., managed by a by a wide-ranging partnership of different organisations including local authorities, community groups and businesses. 


It stretches from Sefton, north of Liverpool to Northwich in Cheshire. Delamere Forest in the south of the area is the largest area of established woodland


Established in the early 90's, over 9 million trees have been planted since then, with plans to plant at least 1 million more in future as part of the larger Northern Forest project. 

Lancashire Woodland Connect

Ribble Rivers Trust have a decade-long campaign to double the area of woodland across Lancashire to fight climate change, improve air quality and reduce flooding.


They plan to plant more than half a million trees across 100 kilometres of new or restored connected woodland alongside the Rivers Ribble, Lune and Wyre and their catchments.


The Ribble catchment covers an area of over 700 square miles and contains more than 6,000 miles of watercourses.


Over the past 21 years, the trust has planted over 150,000 trees over 180 hectares, with help from volunteers.

Humber Forest

Humber Forest isn’t a single ‘forest’ covering an area. It’s the combined greatness of all the trees, woodlands and hedgerows growing in Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire. What’s more, it’s a community forest – and it’s growing all the time.


​Community forestry is all about supporting people to transform their local environment through tree planting programmes (we’re big fans of hedgerows, too).


There’s a big job to do in Hull and the East Riding. National woodland cover across the UK is 13%, whereas within the Humber Forest region, it’s just 2.6%.

York Community Woodland

City of York Council has recently purchased land to create a new area of woodland within York’s boundary with the ambition of planting 50,000 trees by 2023. The project will be known initially as York Community Woodland until it is formally named. 


150 acres / 61 hectares of land have been purchased in the west of York for the creation of York Community Woodland and an additional 30 acres of land next to the A1237 is being looked at for additional tree planting.

Together with adjoining land already owned by the council this has the potential to create around 194 acres / 78 hectares of new amenity woodland for York.


Key to the successful delivery of the York Community Woodland will be the involvement of the local community in as many ways as possible: shaping the vision; giving views and ideas about what is important for people in the design, layout and features of the woodland; helping plant the trees

The National

Forest, England

The National Forest is right in the heart of England, embracing 200 square miles of the Midlands. It spans across parts of Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Staffordshire and aims to link the two ancient Forests of Charnwood and Needwood. 


8.9 million trees have been planted to date and today it is recognised as one of the most ambitious and imaginative regeneration projects in the country.. They continue to grow, manage and make the forest more accessible

Forest for Peterborough

The aim of the Forest for Peterborough is to plant over 230,000 trees in and around the city by 2030. The plan is to change the city’s landscape, so that a network of wildlife corridors and green spaces threads its way through the city's built-up areas.


The project is run by PECT ( ‘Peterborough Environment City Trust) a charity set up after Peterborough’s designation in 1992 as one of four UK Environment Cities, along with Leeds, Leicester and Middlesbrough.

1 Million Trees for Norfolk

In December 2020 Norfolk County Council launched 1 Million Trees for Norfolk. Together with partners, landowners and communities, they aim to plant one million trees across the county over 5 years. This represents more than one tree per resident (population of 908,000 in 2019).


In winter 2020/21 contractors did initial planting focused on Norfolk County Council’s tenanted farms (County Farms), working in partnership with the Woodland Trust and The Tree Council. Unfortunately, there were no volunteering opportunities in the first winter due to Covid 19, but in future planting seasons (roughly November to March each year) they hope to get as many people involved as possible.




The Essex Forest 

In October 2019, Essex Council committed to 375,000 trees, over 150 hectares by end 2024..


The trees will be planted across Essex, including on council land and land from partners in voluntary sectors.
They want to work with all parties who are making land available for tree planting, including councils, charities, parishes, farmers and private households.


They would like to encourage everyone to get involved with the Essex Forest Initiative. This could be individuals, schools, organisations, voluntary organisations or parish councils. Whether you can provide land, plant trees, or help with events, we’d like to hear from you. For the latest news and information or to get in touch, please follow the Essex Forest Initiative Facebook page.


Lost Woods of the Low Weald and Downs (Sussex)

The Woodland Trust aim to  bring life back to the forgotten and fragmented ancient woods in Sussex.


Working with local partners and community, across a 400 square kilometre project area from Pulborough in the West to the fringes of Lewes in the East, The partners include Action in Rural Sussex, Sussex Wildlife Trust and Small Woods Association., with support from the Environment Agency and Ouse and Adur Rivers Trust. 


Their work will:

  • improve the condition and management of the fragmented ancient woodland

  • provide corridors to reconnect the woodlands

  • improve biodiversity, allowing wildlife to thrive

  • ensure local woodland owners are trained in management skills

  • create a resilient landscape that can cope with climate change


Forest for Cornwall

The Forest for Cornwall, conceived by Cornwall Council, is an ambitious tree planting project with the principle aim of fighting climate change.


When complete it will cover 8,000 hectares -  about 2% of Cornwall.


The Forest for Cornwall is not a single area of new forest. The ambition is to significantly increase all forms of canopy cover throughout Cornwall, whilst strengthening the protection of the existing backbone of trees, woodlands and hedges.



The Great Trossachs Forest (Stirlingshire, Scotland)

Started in 2008 The Great Trossachs Forest will ultimately stretch over 160 square km at the heart of Scotland’s Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park.


This unique landscape-scale project is one of the most significant native woodland projects in the UK for a generation. It is also one of the UK's largest National Nature Reserves.


The project has brought together Forestry Commission Scotland, Woodland Trust Scotland and RSPB Scotland with multi-national company BP to achieve a shared vision for the area.


Many new woodlands have already been planted, but this is a ‘forest in the making’ where habitats are being restored to create a continuous area managed for the benefit of wildlife and people.


Carrifran Wildwood, (Southern Scotland)

Carrifran, is a 1600 acre ice-carved valley in the Moffat Hills of the Southern Scottish Uplands. 


Carrifran Wildwood is an ecological restoration project, spearheaded by Scottish friends with over 1000 major supporters across the UK and overseas. The project was set up to  reverse environmental degradation.


Since buying the valley by public subscription on Millennium Day 2000, Wildwood supporters have been working to recreate an extensive tract of wild and largely wooded land, evoking the pristine countryside of six thousand years ago. The level of human intervention will be gradually reduced as the Wildwood gains its own momentum and becomes a functioning natural ecosytem. 


During their first decade of work they planted over half a million trees, establishing young woodland in most of the lower half of the valley. Starting in 2007 they have also planted thousands of shrubs and trees each year in the hanging valley of Firth . Eventually, this will create one of the few extensive areas of treeline woodland and montane scrub in Britain. 


Brynau Farm (Neath, South Wales)

Situated next to Gnoll Country Park, Brynau Wood is a previously unloved 178 acre plot with ancient wood surrounded by bare fields owned by the Woodland Trust, located near Neath, South Wales. The Woodland Trust want to transform into a vibrant haven for wildlife and the people of Wales. 


They be planting trees to buffer and extend its important area of ancient woodland, and Brynau will also become the latest flagship site for the Welsh Government Plant! project which sees a tree planted for every child born or adopted in Wales.

Darlington Forest (County Durham)

The Darlington Forest Project formed in November 2019 as a charitable trust

with the aim to double tree cover in and around Darlington, County Durham, by 2030.


In October 2020 they were awarded an urban tree challenge grant of £7,820 to plant 6,800 trees. 


Since formation they have planted over 8000 trees at 4 sites across the town.  They have also worked closely with 3 schools to educate and encourage appreciation of nature in our children.  At the schools, they have planted willow structures and planted fruit trees & legacy trees that the children can enjoy for many years to come.  




Wild Ennerdale (Cumbria)

Rising abruptly out of the coastal plain of West Cumbria Ennerdale is one of the most remote of Cumbria valleys. Wild Ennerdale is one of the UK’s largest wildland partnerships. between Forestry England, Natural England, National Trust and United Utilities.


Wild Ennerdale has a vision for the valley head where open native woodland extends from the valley bottom further east than the current forest extent, creating a tree'd landscape where both open and wooded habitats intertwine.

For some years they have been removing conifers from the eastern third of the valley and replanting at low density with native trees such as Oak, Birch, Rowan, Willow and Juniper. 


In March 2021, they took delivery of 20,000 trees and started planting.



Manchester City of Trees

City of Trees is part of the Northern Forest Project, with the aim to re-invigorate Greater Manchester’s landscape by restoring underused, unloved woodland and planting a tree for every person that lives in the City Region, within a generation.


Their goal is to plant 3 million trees and bring 2,000 hectares of unmanaged woodland back into use for the community. 537,000 trees have been planted so far with 268 hectares of woodland under management. 

The White Rose Forest (West Yorkshire)

The White Rose Forest is the community forest for North and West Yorkshire, working in partnership with local authorities, landowners, businesses and communities to increase woodland across the region and improve the natural environment.

Through partnership they are planting millions of trees in urban centres and countryside that will help manage flood risk, mitigate the impact of climate change, create jobs and provide happier and healthier places for us all to live, work in and enjoy.


The vision is to create a genuinely sustainable and well wooded landscape in North and West Yorkshire which will benefit local people, the economy and wildlife.

Bradford Tree for Every Child Programme

Bradford Council are planting a tree for every primary school child in the Bradford district as part of their ongoing commitment to take Climate Action. 


Working together with Trees for Cities, Forest of Bradford (BEAT), Bradford and Leeds Fruit Trees, Town Councils and communities, 55,000 trees will be planted over the next two years. 


Ways for schools and families to become involved:

  • Tree for Every Child Woods: a chance for schools to help to plant two new woods

  • School Orchard: start an orchard in your school, they will provide trees and training

  • School Trees: a bundle of native trees (with support and instructions) to increase the number of trees in school grounds.

  • Take Away Trees: they will provide smaller trees suitable to take home and plant in the garden.


To find out more and register an interest in any of the above please email

Greenwood Community Forest (Nottinghamshire)

The core Greenwood Community Forest area covers 161 square miles of west Nottinghamshire, from Mansfield in the north to Nottingham in the south and from Eastwood in the west to Farnsfield in the east. It overlaps historic Sherwood Forest in the north-east and curves round to Attenborough in the south-west. Over 1 million people live within 5 miles of Greenwood Community Forest.


One of the aims of the Forest Trust is Landscape regeneration including  new woodland planting. In December 2020, they received a share of the £12m UK Government Trees for Climate fund awarded to the 10 community forests in England to plant 500 hectares of woodland between them.



The Heart of England Forest (Warwickshire/ Worcestershire)

The forest stretches across the heart of England, – from the ancient Forest of Arden, south to the edge of the Vale of Evesham, mostly in South Warwickshire. It’s also an area dense in cities, towns and industry, which is why they are creating a place to walk under shady canopies and through airy glades, away from the bustle of city life. 


The Heart of England Forest was the vision of publisher, Felix Dennis, and is now operated by The Heart of England Forest Charity, chaired by journalist Jon Snow.


So far, they have created 4,000 acres of new woodland, planting more than 1.8 million trees. The vision is for that to become 30,000 acres.

Rockingham Forest, (Northamptonshire)

Rockingham Forest is a collection of ancient woodlands that once formed William the Conqueror's favourite hunting forest. Situated in North East Northamptonshire between the rivers Nene and Welland,


A large amount of woodland still remains but as separate woodlands adrift in arable landscapes. In this situation woodland wildlife becomes ‘marooned’, unable to expand its range or territory.


Working with the Forestry Commission, the Rockingham Forest Trust, landowners and local communities, creating a Living Landscape will enhance existing habitats and restore broadleaf woodland, traditional hazel coppice and wildlife-rich glades.

The Wildlife Trust aims to expand and create new habitat through linking woodlands and growing new hedgerows and increasing field margins. Two ancient woodland reserves, Short Wood and Southwick Wood, will be linked by encouraging the natural regeneration of trees on four hectares of land that lies between them.


Forest of Marston Vale (Bedfordshire)

The Forest of Marston Vale is a community forest in Marston Vale, between Bedford and Milton Keynes. It is operated by the Forest of Marston Vale Trust.


It was initiated by the Countryside Agency and the Forestry Commission, in partnership with Bedfordshire., Mid Bedfordshire and  Bedford Councils.


The total area covered is 61 square miles (158 km2), but most of this land is in private ownership. There are incentives for landowners to plant trees, and the target for community forests is to reach 30% tree cover. from the original 3% cover...planting 5 million trees.

Thames Chase Community Forest (East London)

Thames Chase Community Forest was established in 1990 when there were around 825 hectares (2060acres) of existing woodland in the 40 sq miles of the Forest. New planting has now brought the total tree cover up to 1300ha. and managing both new and old woodland is one of the key areas of work for the Community Forest.


With well over 2 million trees planted since the creation of Thames Chase Trust and Community Forest, there is plenty of forested areas in the Community Forest.


Our Conservation Volunteers, work alongside the Forestry Commission, planting and protecting woodland across the 40sq miles of the Thames Chase Community Forest.


​The forest will be one of the 10 English community forest beneficiaries of £12.1m government funding to plant a combined 500 hectares of forest between December 20 and April 21 (covid permitting)  

Great Western Community Forest (Swindon District)

The Great Western Community Forest (GWCF) is a long-term programme to enrich landscapes in and around Swindon.

With the town of Swindon at its heart, the  Forest covers over 168 square miles, stretching from the North Wessex Downs to the River Thames. View an interactive map of the Great Western Community Forest area.

Our primary aim is to increase tree cover to an average of 30% across the project area, working in urban, urban fringe and rural landscapes.Since the start of the project in 1994, tree cover has more than doubled across the area, but there is much more to do to create the Forest. 

Our success will continue to be dependent on local authorities, landowners, organisations, communities and businesses working together.

We are part of a wider family of England's Community Forests, working across major towns and cities to create a better environment. 


​For further information e-mail:

The Caledonian

Forest (Scottish Highlands)

The Caledonian Forest is the name given to the ancient Scots pine forests that covered much of the HIghlands. Today, that forest exists as 80 remnants, covering about 180 square kilometres (69 sq mi) or 44,000 acres (18,000 ha).


It is the vision of Trees for LIfe to restore the Caledonian Forest to its former greatness. In partnership with other landowners and managers, Forestry and Land Scotland,


Since 1993 the charity has worked to restore the Forest, especially in Glen Affric and at Dundreggan, a Highland estate the charity bought in 2008.  Not only have they brought Scots pine back to areas lost for generations, but also grown rare trees such as aspen and mountain top willows and birches. The charity is now recognised as one of the leading experts in wild forest restoration in Scotland. 


Heart of Scotland Forest (Perthshire, Scotland)

The Heart of Scotland Forest Partnership connects six areas of land to create a linked woodland corridor stretching across more than 3,000 hectares of the Perthshire, Highlands, from the Keltneyburn Special Area of Conservation all the way to Loch Tummel, 


Seven partner organisations make up the Heart of Scotland Forest Partnership - Garth Wood Wilding Project, Highland Perthshire Communities Land Trust (Dun Coillich), John Muir Trust, Dalchosnie and Kynachan Estate, Scottish Wildlife Trust, Woodland Trust Scotland and Forestry and Land Scotland. 

shared vision is for a restored, vibrant landscape that provides opportunities for wildlife to thrive, for local employment and enterprise, and for people to enjoy, access and learn.


Cambrian Wildwood, (West Wales)

Cambrian Wildwood is a community woodland and habitat restoration project run by the charity Wales Wild Land Foundation.


Set in the northern part of the Cambrian Mountains in West Wales, the project is restoring native woodland and other natural habitats to the area 


The initial focus is on Bwlch Corog, a 350 acre (140 hectare) stretch of land. In time, they hope to expand the wildwood area with further land purchase and by other landowners participating to make 7,500 acres (3,000 hectares). 


The project has started with planting around 1,000 native trees across three areas.. The next stage is to plant another 2,000 trees across the site .

Belfast One Million Trees

Belfast City Council are working with city partners to plant one million native trees across Belfast by 2035. in a collaboration between public, private and voluntary sector partners, including 


Residents - There will be opportunities for everyone to get involved. Look out on social media for details of their tree giveaway in 2021.


Businesses - working with Business in the Community NI and individual businesses to explore how businesses can get involved. They plan a series of business engagement events in 2021.


Schools - working with the Education Authority, the Woodland Trust and Keep NI Beautiful ECO-Schools Project to engage with schools in Belfast.


Community groups - engaging with community groups in the planting areas where they’re planning to plant. 


If your business, school or community group would like to get involved or you'd like more information about this project, please email


Durham Woodland Revival


Durham Woodland Revival will restore woodlands and reconnect forest networks in the County Durham landscape. Local communities, woodland owners and contractors will be encouraged and supported to care for and improve ancient woodlands and 80 acres will be planted with new woodland.


New woodland will be achieved by supporting 19 private landowners to plant 20ha of woodland and 2km of connective hedgerows. Woodland Trust will plant 61 ha of woodland across three sites, engaging school children and volunteers in planting..


The project is led by a partnership of organisations including Durham County Council, Forestry Commission, Northwoods, Wear Rivers Trust and Woodland Trust. Project delivery began in autumn 2019 and will run until 2023.

Hardknott Forest

(Lake District, Cumbria)



The Restoring Hardknott Forest Project is a partnership between Forestry England and the University of Leeds., to restore one of the largest conifer plantations in the Lake District National Park to native woodland.


The project was started in 2004 with 95 hectares restored so far, but there is still much more land to regenerate. Non native species are gradually be replaced with native trees and some areas are regenerating naturally. to create and restore 630 hectares of native woodland and other wildlife rich habitats.


They welcome volunteers and students to help with monitoring, research and practical restoration..

​Lancaster One Million Trees Programme

Lancaster City Council is asking schools, businesses and communities to dig deep and help to fulfil its pledge to plant one million trees across north Lancashire as part of the Northern Forest project.


the council is working in partnership with the Woodland Trust and Forestry Commission to achieve this goal.


Thanks to funding from Defra, the Woodland Trust will contribute up to 85 per cent of the costs to anyone wanting to incorporate trees on their land through its MOREwoods scheme. Schools are being asked to lend a helping hand too by taking part in planting events within their community or by agreeing to dedicate space within their grounds to plant trees or hedgerows. 


​To get involved please email your contact details to 

Leeds Woodland Creation

Leeds City Council will plant 5.8 million trees starting autumn 2020 to achieve their goal of making Leeds carbon neutral by 2030. The scheme includes education, community engagement and volunteering, creating woodlands for the future.


An additional 1,250 hectares of woodland will be created around the city over 25 years. New woodland sites will be formed on council owned land, doubling the woodland area in Leeds..


They will be planting 4,500 saplings per hectare, a planting target of 225,000 trees each year and 5.8 million trees from 2020 to 2045. 


To volunteer in seed gathering and tree planting events, please contact

Yorkshire Dales Woodland Restoration

The Yorkshire Dales National Park is managed by the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust. Since they started out in 1996 they have helped plant 1.5 million broadleaf trees, creating native woodlands of all shapes and sizes throughout the Yorkshire Dales and Nidderdale.


The Dales currently have a low tree coverage of only 4.8% and the Trust has plans to continue improving that. 


In December 2020, the Trust unveiled a 10 year plan to plant 600 hectares of land per year with trees in partnership with local landowners and farmers on the dales. They also announced the expansion of their Together for Trees project to create 26 hectares of new native woodland across the Dales and Nidderdale, restore 1km of hedgerow and plant individual landscape trees to help mitigate the impact of ash dieback, working with local communities over 2021/22..


Young People's Forest (Derbyshire)

The Young People’s Forest at Mead is being planted by The Woodland Trust on 400 acres of former open cast mining site near Heanor in Derbyshire (also know as Mead). 


As part of the #iwill campaign to promote youth social action they are creating a new Young People’s Forest planting over 250,000 trees. Young people will help shape the future of this amazing place, creating a forest for themselves and their community.


Once complete, it will be thriving new woodland scattered with biodiverse ponds, open spaces and species-rich grassland. Bordering Shipley Country Park, and Derbyshire Wildlife Trust’s Woodside farm, these three areas provide over 500 hectares of accessible landscape for local people to enjoy.

Solihull Planting Our Future Campaign (Warwickshire)

Solihull Council's 'Planting the Future' campaign, aims to plant at least 250,000 trees by 2030 in the borough. 


As part of this campaign  they plan to create a new forest, called Arden Forest, creating a diverse and continuous green corridor through the Borough of Solihull and the Meriden Gap. 


To achieve this vision the Council will work closely with residents and land owners to explore opportunities for tree planting and rewilding of land.


If you would like to know more email


Cambridge Canopy Project

Cambridge City Council's canopy project aims to increase the % tree cover in the city from 17% to 19%,, which will require the planting of trees that will eventually cover an additional 200 acres across the city. 


As most trees within Cambridge are in residential gardens, the council is seeking support from households to help map the trees in the city, as well to plant more trees in their gardens. 

Colchester Woodland Project (Essex)

The Colchester Woodland Project launched in 2019 by Colchester Council. They plan to plant 200,000 native broadleaf trees across the borough  by end 2023,  as part of the Better Colchester campaign.


Planting occurs every winter beginning in November. To get involved email to register your interest.


Enfield Chase Woodland Restoration (North London)

Thames21 is working in partnership with Enfield Council to regenerate the former Royal hunting ground of Enfield Chase in the Salmon’s Brook catchment, part of the greater river Lea catchment. Restoring the tree cover will not only cut flood risk for businesses and homes downstream – it will boost the health of the Salmon’s Brook, too.


The area was deforested more than two hundred years ago and is now mainly arable fields and some grazed pasture. Working with the local farmers, the Forestry Commission, and a woodland design consultant, areas have been identified where tree planting can slash flood risk and improve water quality.


With the help of many volunteers, they reached their target of planting 50,000 trees between November 2020 and March 2021. Planting for the next 50,000 starts in November 2021. Follow the Friends of Enfield Chase on facebook for regular updates.




Forest of Avon/Replant Bristol

The Forest of Avon is part of a national programme of Community Forests across England. So far, well over a million trees have been planted in and around Bristol and many woodlands & access networks have been improved.


It recently secured funding from the West of England Nature Partnership, Bath & North East Somerset Council and the Woodland Trust to produce an updated Forest of Avon Plan and Tree & Woodland Strategy.  This will be released in early 2021. 


The trust also runs the Replant Bristol scheme with an aim to plant 250,000 trees in Bristol by 2030. 

Cairngorms Connect (Scottish Highlands)

Cairngorms Connect is a partnership of neighbouring land managers, committed to a 200-year vision to enhance habitats, species and ecological processes across a vast area within the Cairngorms National Park. The Cairngorms Connect area stretches over 600 square kilometres


One milestone over 200 years is to restore native woodlands to their natural limits, including high-altitude montane woodland, by:.


  • Managing herbivore impacts (domestic livestock and native deer populations).

  • Eradication of non-native trees and shrubs where these risk dominating native woodlands..

  • Enrichment planting of tree species that have been lost from our native woods.

Edinburgh Million Tree City

Edinburgh plans to be home to 1 million trees by 2030, planting 270,000 trees to add to the 730,000 urban trees currently. 


Following approval of Edinburgh: A Million Tree City report in January 2020, the City Council is drawing up an action plan to achieve the target. This will include tree planting opportunities on both public and private land. 


An Edinburgh Million Tree Forum made up of representatives from a wide range of relevant organisations will contribute to the planning including finding ways of planting more trees, more quickly.


Representation will be invited from the Edinburgh and Lothians Greenspace Trust, the Woodland Trust, the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Trees of Edinburgh, the Scottish Wildlife Trust, the Trust for Conservation Volunteers and the Edinburgh Living Landscape Initiative.



The Glandwr Forest (Wales)

The rolling hills of the Glandwr Forest sit on a 170 acre site on what centuries ago would have been woodland. With the support of Natural Resources Wales, this year young tree seedlings will be planted to return over 100,000 trees to the hillside and interconnected trails will be woven into a path for future generations to enjoy.


Nestled within Glandwr forest will be The Carbon Community’s first major field-trial designed to learn more about how to accelerate and enhance carbon sequestration. The Carbon Community is a new charity dedicated to creating forests and accelerating carbon removal, with breakthrough science.


Volunteering opportunities for tree planting and more may be available. 

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